Saturday, 21 August 2010

A few pictures from my Iphone

I got mad words with friends free [scrabble] skills, FANNY :)

Yes I am awesome, I found a full container of prescription pot just lying in a bush when I was walking the dog. There was a shady wizard looking out for me that day haha

This is my old man at the gun range, he's still a pretty sharp shot with no practice. Jealous.

Oh and this is nanny, once again she decided to be a brat and wake me up when I'm trying to sleep.

Here's a few ideas I've had brewing in my head. Please note, these ideas are not meant for anyone else but me, I'm simply sharing my progress.

I want to use black paint or even liquid latex for this. Just a fun shoot for the models to wear props and get messy. This would look better in B/W I think.

Til death do us part.
Another slightly comic shoot perhaps. I just adore the day of the dead style make up and I feel it would add more life to my models. You get married to the one you think you love and it turns out you were wrong. Now how do you go about sorting this mess out? With a big sharp tool of course!

Love is blind. Love is pain.
Pretty self explanitory, I want to use fake blood [a lot] and a real animal heart. In this I wish to highlight the men as victims. Women have an insatiable taste for the heart, emotional creatures, they feed off of our souls. These are the kind of women you're always warned to stay away from, but their siren song is always the strongest.

Another sketch for a photoshoot idea, possibly self portrait. My zodiac sign is libra, the scales. My thoughts and ideas have always had a theme of balance throughout them, good/ evil, light/ dark, black/ white all have had a big part in my creative mind. So I figured I should incorporate it into my photography more, so I decided to take a literal approach to my idea, in one hand the serpent and the darkness and in the other, a dove perched above a bowl of light.

"It is easier to destroy the light within than scatter the darkness around"

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